Our Teachers (Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara, Guru Sakshat Param Brahma Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah)


In our Indian culture, the teacher (Guru) is a symbol of God because a teacher is a person who inspires and elevates the consciousness of the student. As it is written in our “Granth’s” that to find God you need a good teacher who can lead you to the right path. Although television and other social media platform give us a lot of information they cannot lead us toward proper knowledge and the real essence of yoga. Our teachers are extremely knowledgeable and qualified and can transfer this transmission into the students’ lives with compassion, love, and continuous support.

The strength and reputation of our school lie in the power and quality of our teachers. We (AtharvYogshala) have a passionate, honest, and humble teaching team with us that are ready to spread and share the knowledge and the ancient wisdom of yoga to make you a better knowledgeable yogi.

Kuldeep Bisht Ji

Hatha Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar Yoga, Ashtanga Yinyasa, Anatomy

Kuldeep Bisht started his journey at a young age an unknown sense of karma yoga was within him from his schooling days; coming from a nuclear family Kuldeep is the elder child for which he had great responsibilities on him. after completing his schooling when everyone of his friends was moving to earn money and getting good jobs he was curious about spirituality and purpose of life, so he traveled towards the Himalayas and after visiting many temples, places and communicating with Gurus he moved towards the south and started his yogi journey. He studies Yoga Philosophy, Hatha Vinyasa Flow, Chair Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and Pranayama and completed 500 YTTC (Yoga Teacher Training) in an Ashrama in Kerala under the highly qualified Acharya. After getting a deep knowledge and core yoga practice.

He started teaching others. He believes yoga can be understood only if one is ready to accept the disciplinary rules and regulations. How to leave balanced life with yoga, he has been training people from all over the world in 200 & 300 Hours TTC in different yoga schools in India and Nepal for the last couple of years. His goal is to spread awareness, show the spiritual aspect and life-changing power of yoga in balancing life, and find simplicity in human beings to live life in peace.

Neha Racca Ji

Hatha Yoga

Meet Ms. Neha Racca, if you haven’t already. Neha’s passion for yoga began in school as an extension to gymnastics. She started her Yoga learning through B K S Iyengar style, Hatha yoga at the age of 8. Focusing only on the Asanas part she mastered and won several yoga awards consecutively for several years. Gold medalist in International yoga competitions across India. BSc in computer science but Yoga was imbibed in her since her childhood so finally was pulled back to continue the journey and did a TV show for DD Sports named SAHAJ SWASTHYA for 2 years . She then went on to complete her diploma and then MSc in Yoga from SVYASA, Bangalore in 2005. Her services in the therapeutic yoga in treating various ailments n psychosomatic disorders started with Arogyadhama in Bangalore and since then she is taking therapy classes too. She Completed certificate course in advanced Pranic Healing & Pranic Psychotherapy from All India Yoga Vidhya Pranic Healing Foundation Trust, Pune, 2006.

Also a Certified Hypno Therapist and NLP Coach with a diploma holder In Professional Psychotherapy, which in turn she uses in her counselling sessions for all sorts of stress related troubles people face in this life and thus Neha has bought out the Happiness quotient in her sessions and takes Motivational and Life Coaching workshops too. So with Neha you can be assured that you will experience a complete yogic energy flow through her pranayama, asanas with various relaxation techniques. A complete holistic approach towards a healthy living. Come experience the journey of yoga with Neha and have a BETTER WAY OF LIFE.

Abhishek Rawat

Ashtanga Vinyasa, Alignment Adjustment

Abhishek Rawat was born and bought up in the World’s Yoga Capital, Rishikesh. Abhishek was inclined towards Yoga from Childhood. Abhishek received a Master’s Degree in Yoga Science from Sanskrit Gurukul Vishvidyalaya, in Haridwar, India. He has completed 500 hours of teacher training, studied with various great Indian teachers, and attended intensive Ashtanga and Iyengar yoga courses in Rishikesh.
He is an experienced Ashtanga yoga teacher who believes in spreading this art of wellness to eradicate the disease naturally. He is a true believer in the power of yogic practice and meditation but always likes to remind his students that The power is not in Yoga itself, the true power is already within you. Yoga is just the key to unlocking this treasure.
His vision is to spread the learning he has earned from his teachers and help them live meaningful lives.

Vikash Bisht

Ashtanga Vinyasa, Hatha flow, Alignment Adjustment, Mantra Chanting

Vikas Singh was born and brought up in world capital Rishikesh Uttarakhand. Vikas was inclined towards yoga from childhood. Vikas received a yoga scholarship from ved Niketan dham in Ram jhula next to the Parmar Niketan.

He has completed 500 hours of yoga teacher training ( program by yoga alliance)Studied with various great Indian teachers, and attain intensive astanga and Iyengar yoga course in Rishikesh.
He is experienced ashtanga yoga teacher who believes in spreading these art of wellness to eradicated the disease naturally and smoothly way.

He has a true believer in the power of yogic practice and meditations but always likes to remind his students that. The power is not in yoga itself the true power is already within. Yoga is just a key to unlocking this teasers. His vision is to spread the learning has learn from his teacher and help them live meaningful lives.